Similarly to the rest of the body, the heart and lungs are susceptible to injury or disease. Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy refers to the prevention, treatment, and ongoing management of heart and lung conditions (such as cystic fibrosis, emphysema, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia and bronchitis). Physiotherapy can also assist recovery following chest surgery.

Common symptoms of cardiorespiratory pathology include:

  1. Shortness of breath (at rest or on exertion)
  2. Persistent coughing (can be dry or productive of sputum)
  3. Increased work of breathing / laboured breathing
  4. Reduced exercise capacity

Physiotherapy for these conditions and symptoms has proven effective in facilitating heart and lung function. Depending on your symptoms and needs, your therapist will conduct an assessment and tailor an appropriate treatment session. This may include manual therapy of the thoracic spine (upper back) to assist with mobilising and clearing secretions; breathing exercises to maximize lung function; and self-managing techniques to help prevent future exacerbations.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms as a result of a cardiorespiratory pathology, contact the clinic for a personalised assessment and treatment session.
