With all the research available today, we simply can’t deny the benefits exercise has on both our physical and mental well being. It increases our energy levels, makes us feel happier, boosts our brain power and lowers the risk of chronic disease. Keeping a healthy and mobile body is important and just like working our major muscles we also need to ensure we are exercising our pelvic floor.
The benefits of exercise for women’s health include:
- Pelvic floor control
- Pelvic stability
- Abdominal strength
- increased confidence with daily activities
It is recommended that women exercise their pelvic floor muscles everyday to improve strength. When our muscles are weak, regular exercise over a period of time can strengthen them, making them work effectively again. When the pelvic floor is not working as it should, it can begin to impact our daily life. Integrating pelvic floor into your daily exercise will help to get you back doing the things you love.
What to expect
Our Exercise Physiologist will work closely with you, treating with you with respect, understanding and discretion to determine an appropriate exercise plan for you. This will be based on your condition/s, current ability and goals.
Who would benefit?
- Individuals suffering from pelvic floor weakness or overactive pelvic floor
- Pre and post-natal
- Weakened abdominals
- Pelvic girdle pain/ instability
- those experiencing back and neck pain.
Fore information on Women’s Health, Pelvic Floor, causes or symptoms visit: https://www.caboolturephysio.com/womens-health-pelvic-floor/