Back pain is extremely common, affecting around 80%-90% of adult men and women between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost days at work.
It is rare for the pain to be caused by a serious medical problem or condition. Most cases of back pain are associated with sprains, minor strains, minor injuries or a pinched or irritated nerve. In the past, doctors advised rest for back pain, but most experts now agree that being inactive for long periods is actually bad for your back. In fact, moderate activity, such as walking or doing everyday tasks, will help recovery
If you work, aim to get back to work as soon as possible. Returning to work often helps to relieve pain by getting back to a normal pattern of activity and provides a distraction from the pain.
At Caboolture Physical Therapy Centre, your back pain will be thoroughly assessed by one of our physiotherapists and an appropriate individualised treatment plan can be commenced.
We use a variety of treatment techniques, including manual therapy (such as mobilisation, manipulation and deep tissue massage), Pilates (to strengthen core muscles and increase flexibility), acupuncture, hydrotherapy and Exercise Physiology to achieve maximum effectiveness and to reduce pain and increase activity as quickly as possible.
If your suffering from back ache and pain please contact us for an appointment HERE