Our Cardiac Rehabilitation Program consists of education and a fully supervised exercise program designed to optimise physical, psychological, occupational and social recovery following an acute cardiac event within a supportive environment.
The program
The program runs over a 6-week period. During this time the patient will participate in an individually prescribed exercise program. Patients attend classes twice per week over this period.
The sessions are aimed at increasing understanding of heart disease and the positive action that can be taken to reduce risk factors and future cardiac events.
Patients are eligible to participate if they have had a heart attack, balloon angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, valve repair surgery or if they have stable angina or risk factors for heart disease.
Patients can also attend one or two times per week if they have completed a hospital based rehabilitation program and want to continue their exercise in a professional setting.
Please note
*PhysiEx Cardiac Rehab is run by a physiotherapist and/or exercise physiologist.
*This class is claimable through eligible health funds.